Inter-net or International Network,is a group of inter connected computers and devices all over the world.Internet is a modified or we can say a develop form of Arpanet (Network of US Defence Department) and NSFnet(a network of scientists to exchange information) .It came into existence in 1982 after the Arpanet ,NSFnet and other commercial and private networks were linked together to exchange information through TCP/IP protocol.So we can say Internet is a network of networks.Before that numerous private and commercial networks exists, each having its own price plan,own protocol and terms.Internet was started with 50 servers and 7 domain names were introduced(.com,.net,.mil,.org etc) each having its own meaning .
In 1989 Tim berners Lee introduced WWW or World Wide Web and a revolution took in Information Technology.Contents,files and webpages can now be accessed from any part of the world.WWW is controlled by W3C or world wide web consortium. WWW is a part of internet that contains webpages and websites.Sir Tim Berners also introduced HTML language that was used to write webpages.One needs a Web browser to view web pages.Gopher was the first browser(text based) and Mosaic was the first graphical browser.
In reality internet is owned by no one ,but is managed by three non profit organisations .These are the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN),the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) ISOC or Internet society promotes and funds these organisations.Work of these organisations are listed below
ICANN:its work is to register domains and assign a unique IP address to a domain
IETF:Its work is to create and apply standards for internet to improve its usage
IRTF:Its work is to work on topics related to the evolution of the Internet
With the start of internet ,it is continuously been developed .With the development of Mosaic browser in 1994, webpages with graphics and media started to be build.After the decommision of NSFnet and ARPANET the door of internet was opened for public,commercial traffic started to be increasing .Introduction of cheap domain names (like .com) acted as a catalyst and enhanced the commercial traffic on net.Introduction of services like email(introduced by hotmail),video conferencing,social networking(facemesh) attracted many people.Now internet has been expanded to all over the world and a numerous servers offering free services are there .Today around 7 billions websites are been hosting.There has been a shortage of domain names .Search engine like google are trying to index more good and quality on their first page.A lot of services like skype ,webtv,online games,chat,mail had been added and many are being developed to be introduced
Inter-net or International Network,is a group of inter connected computers and devices all over the world.Internet is a modified or we can say a develop form of Arpanet (Network of US Defence Department) and NSFnet(a network of scientists to exchange information) .It came into existence in 1982 after the Arpanet ,NSFnet and other commercial and private networks were linked together to exchange information through TCP/IP protocol.So we can say Internet is a network of networks.Before that numerous private and commercial networks exists, each having its own price plan,own protocol and terms.Internet was started with 50 servers and 7 domain names were introduced(.com,.net,.mil,.org etc) each having its own meaning .
In 1989 Tim berners Lee introduced WWW or World Wide Web and a revolution took in Information Technology.Contents,files and webpages can now be accessed from any part of the world.WWW is controlled by W3C or world wide web consortium. WWW is a part of internet that contains webpages and websites.Sir Tim Berners also introduced HTML language that was used to write webpages.One needs a Web browser to view web pages.Gopher was the first browser(text based) and Mosaic was the first graphical browser.
In reality internet is owned by no one ,but is managed by three non profit organisations .These are the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN),the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) ISOC or Internet society promotes and funds these organisations.Work of these organisations are listed below
ICANN:its work is to register domains and assign a unique IP address to a domain
IETF:Its work is to create and apply standards for internet to improve its usage
IRTF:Its work is to work on topics related to the evolution of the Internet
With the start of internet ,it is continuously been developed .With the development of Mosaic browser in 1994, webpages with graphics and media started to be build.After the decommision of NSFnet and ARPANET the door of internet was opened for public,commercial traffic started to be increasing .Introduction of cheap domain names (like .com) acted as a catalyst and enhanced the commercial traffic on net.Introduction of services like email(introduced by hotmail),video conferencing,social networking(facemesh) attracted many people.Now internet has been expanded to all over the world and a numerous servers offering free services are there .Today around 7 billions websites are been hosting.There has been a shortage of domain names .Search engine like google are trying to index more good and quality on their first page.A lot of services like skype ,webtv,online games,chat,mail had been added and many are being developed to be introduced
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