
Sunday, November 23, 2014

C/C++ code for Two adding matrix

Hey guys below is the code for adding two matrix of 3 x 3 

#include<iostream.h>            (add this file if using on C++)
void main()


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is use to sort numbers or arrange them in ascending order.In this heaviest
 element is always placed at last in each pass.Its worst case complexity is very high
Below is the code for bubble sort(using function) for c/c++ language:
#include <stdio.h>   
void bubble_sort(int[], int);  
void main()

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Full Forms List

Here are some full forms  for competitions and general knowledge

1.) GOOGLE - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth.
2.) YAHOO - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
3.) WINDOW - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution.
4.) COMPUTER - Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.
5.) VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under Siege.
6.) UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunicati
ons System.
7.) AMOLED - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.

Sunday, March 16, 2014



Hackers,often define as the unauthorize person that break into your system without your permission,and sometimes steal your personnel information and data.The term was coined by a mathematician “John Nash”,according to whom “hacker” means to “insult”.with the time the meaning changed and today we know hacker is a cyber criminal.

From the first hacking in 1972,the hackers have been subclassified in 6 various categories depending on the threat they posse to the world .


Saturday, March 15, 2014


Every person whether male or female directly or indirectly fed up with unknown callers, its easy for every person to afford mobile but its hard to assist any stranger call , Low call rates are also responsible for increase in the number of strange calls .

There are only few services that helps you in detecting unknown cell phone numbers and you can use all these service to trace location of any mobile number without any cost.

Trace Mobile help you in tracing location of any mobile number in Indian without charging any cost.

Mobile Tracker Is best for tracing any cell phone number ,They also help you in tracing international mobile number.

Bharatiyamobile   service for tracking mobile numbers if you are facing problem in learning all such codes.

Information Madness for tracking mobile numbers of both  India and Pakistan.

Hacktrix – You can also try Hacktrix mobile tracing service to trace mobile location.

You can also  read a list of phone codes of all mobile services  provided by Wiki which helps you in tracking mobile numbers without any online service.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mobile phones History (Timeline)

 Cellphones are playing a vital role in our life.With the time more intersting cells are been built .The history of cellphones is also interesting .Lets have a look.

Date                                                      Event

The first car-to-car radios are used
The Detroit Police Department began using mobile radios in their police cars. They used them to talk between cars, but it didn't work very well.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Frequently used terms

Accumulator They are the special purpose registers in CPU,that have a predefine functions.
They are used to carry out special tasks like storing an intermediate value in an calculation
APN (Access Point Name ) APN is the name (web address) of an access point for GPRS/EDGE/UMTS data connection.
Usually wireless carriers provide the APN to their end users.
Architecture 32 or 64 bit 32-bit hardware and software is often referred to as x86 or x86-32. 64-bit hardware and software is often referred to as x64 or x86-64.

It is the ability of a CPU to process the data.This implies a 32 bit can process 32 bits of data at a time and 64 will be processing 64 bit at the same moment.
^64 bit is faster than 32 but it consumes more RAM
ASU(Active Set update) The Active Set Update is a signalling message used in handover procedures of UMTS and CDMA mobile telephony standards
ASU(Arbiratory Signal Unit) It tells strength of the signal field at a point .It is same as dbm but calculate the signal on more linear scale.
It ranges differently for different networks
GSM-0.31 - 99
UMTS-5.91 and 255
BETA Beta is the stage in a software's development when the developer believes the software to be complete but real-world testing is still required.In this stage,the software is tested for crashes ,bugs,errors etc.The developer studies the user response and act on users feedback and further tries to make the product better and more compatible

Saturday, February 15, 2014

4 ways to improve computer speed

Sometimes the computer is old, sometimes it has too much data stored on it and sometimes it is too busy handling too many different processes.Slow computers not only irritate their users, they also get in the way of business and productivity. The causes of a slow computer can be many.If you have a slow computer, you can improve its speed with some simple fixes


Clean It Out: This one is pretty straightforward – often computers run slowly because they’re bogged down storing tons of extra data like temporary media files,junk try to delete them either using a good temporary file remover softs or by by deleting manually.

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